Greetings everyone,
First, let’s start on Torchbearer 3 updates. While we have most inks in place, we are in the process of correcting them. As you’ve probably picked up from the SyFy news yesterday, Dennis has been working on a new show for SyFy called Clandestine. Unfortunately, it has taken the bulk of his time and has not been able to work on Torchbearer as much as he’d like. We are confident we’ll have final inks and colors very soon.
I am adverse to revealing more inks at this time, unfortunately. This is because most of the inks we have would reveal more of the plot, and I don’t want it to be spoiled for you, dear readers. However, we are ready to reveal the cover for the first trade of Torchbearer! Here it is:

We are particularly fond of it.
Onto other updates.
We are making strides in getting the word out on Torchbearer locally here in NYC. On April 20th, we’ll be interviewed on The Home Invaders Variety Show, a varietyTV show filmed in Staten Island, where we will be talking about Torchbearer, its inspirations, Odd Truth’s future directions and other cool things. The show will be broadcasted on April 21st or 27th (we will need to confirm this) on channel 34 on FiOS and Time Warner Cable from 11 pm to midnight. Needless to say, we are QUITE excited. 🙂 If you live in or near NYC, you’ll be in for a treat, one way or another.
While we’ve been preparing for C2E2 in Chicago(yay! Only 2 weeks away!), we’ve also been preparing for other cons. We can confirm that we will be attending Baltimore ComicCon in September! While BaltimoreCon is not as large as NYCC or other similar cons, what makes it special is that it’s one of those few cons left where artists are easily approachable, the main floor is not chaos and the difference between fans and creators melds into one great big pot, especially once the Harveys are announced.
As to NYCC, we are definitely attending, and as soon as we know where we are on the main floor, so will you. We are also trying to make it to Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo, which will make it Odd Truth’s first con on the west Coast! And last, but certainly not least, we have a new underling intern! Ronel Puello joins us from SUNY Oswego and he’ll be interning with us for the summer as assistant editor! We are very proud to have him come on board, as he is a very bright and talented student who will compliment Odd Truth’s works and future endeavors.
I think that’s it for now.I have a lot of outlines now that need to be turned into scripts, a bunch of code that needs to be finalized and some very hungry cats.
Until next time.
-Nick D.