Greetings everyone!
We at Odd Truth were able to weather Hurricane Sandy quite well, thankfully. Most of us didn’t lose power at our respective homes, and those who did were able to move with friends and family for the time being. Hurricane Sandy, in and of itself, laid waste to a lot of New York and New Jersey. If you are able, I implore you to please donate to the Red Cross or your favorite disaster relief organization.
As for us, we are still working hard to bring forth issue 2 on schedule. As you may (or may not) know, Torchbearer is on a bi-monthly release schedule (meaning every 2 months, not twice a month). We are expecting issue 2 to come out on November 28th at the latest. In the meantime, we have a tentative cover for issue 2, which we’d like to share with you. Here it goes:

As we gear up for our November release, a lot of you at NYCC commented how you’d like issue 2 in print, but you lived far away from New York City (some as far away as Australia and New Zealand). We would love to mail to you directly our latest issues, and we are working hard to set up a store to distribute it directly to you, as well as working with Red Stylo and others to get on your local comic book shelves.
But there are two ways all of you can help. First, we need to know how you guys and gals consume digital comics (if at all). We have a quick survey that will help us understand your needs. Second, we are creating an ambassador program for you guys to help us get on your local comic book store bookshelves! Here’s how it works: send us an email with the contact information of your comic book store (name, email, phone number of who we would need to talk to) and we’ll take it from there. If we are able to convince them to carry Torchbearer, then we’ll send you a limited edition Torchbearer T-shirt! It’s that easy.
In the meantime, we’ll continue writing more blog posts and more issues (issues 3 and 4 are in the pipeline) and make sure we spread the truth about the evils of Prometheus Inc.
– Nick D.