Back to you now, at the turn of the tide.
Where we return after 17 years to confirm that the one ring has been hidden beneath our noses all this time.
1 min read

Blue Bison
We have a funny way of giving second chances - Created, written and directed by Camrus Johnson. Executive Producer: Odd Truth
2 min read

A blend of Corporate Espionage and Science Fiction, Torchbearer is the story of the Torchbearers, a group of individuals that have risen up against the corporatocracy of Prometheus Inc, and the actions they take to stop Prometheus Inc before it’s too late.
3 min read

Primary Engagement
Jesse, a young software developer, encounters not only definitive proof of extraterrestrial life, but also that his employer is torturing extraterrestrials. Jesse must decide what to do with this information as he’s being chased by the corporation’s security forces: the Wardens.